TPMS Feature Brief

What is TPMS?:

Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) in your vehicle monitors the tire's air pressure continuously and alerts drivers when the pressure varies from the recommended level. TPMS is primarily designed for safety purposes. Having underinflated or overinflated tires leads to a less stable ride and a higher risk of blowouts, making driving unsafe. Whenever this occurs, it will trigger an alert to the driver that the tire (or tires) needs to be inflated to the appropriate level.

How does TPMS work?:

Connecting an Azuga device to a vehicle allows it to collect on-board tire pressure data without any additional hardware. After the data is collected, Tire Matics analyzes it. When the vehicle’s tire is underinflated/overinflated by 12% or more, the driver will be alerted to reinflate it or repair it as necessary. Tire pressure issues, such as slow leak identification, can be tracked throughout your fleet. Fleet managers and drivers will receive customer alerts directly on their desktops and mobile devices.

Watch our demo video for a quick overview of how the TPMS feature works in Azuga. Click here to view the video.

Types of TPMS Events:

Below is a list of events based on the data we receive from the vehicle:

  1. Low Pressure Events
    1. Low Pressure - Warning
    2. Critical Low Pressure
    3. Low Pressure Resolved
  2. High Pressure Events
    1. High Pressure - Warning
    2. Critical High Pressure
    3. High Pressure Resolved
  3. Slow Leak Event
  4. Resolution Event

Locating TPMS Events in Fleet 2.0:

The TPMS events are recorded whenever the device senses the underinflated or overinflated tires and alerts the driver about the inflation, as well as reporting the events to the Azuga server. 

Events associated with the TPMS are captured and can be seen under the following:

Live Maps:

For Latest Tire Pressure Events:

  1. In Live Maps, use the Events filter and check the box for Tire Pressure events.

    Note: The Events filter in Live Maps displays every event that occurred on that specific day.

  2. Based on the Tire Pressure events, the vehicle list will be filtered. Choose the desired vehicle and drill down to view detailed event information.

For Older Tire Pressure Events:

  1. From the vehicle list, choose the vehicle that you want to review for Tire Pressure events.
  2. Sort by Event type and select the relevant date.
  3. Tire Pressure events for the selected date (if any occurred) will be shown in the breadcrumb trail. Review the breadcrumb trail to examine these events.

Breadcrumb Report:

  1. Navigate to Reports >> Breadcrumb >> Select the Date Range >> Select vehicle from the Vehicle List >> Generate Report.
  2. Review the breadcrumb trail to find any Tire Pressure events for the vehicle.

Tire Pressure Report:

  1. Navigate to Reports >> Tire Pressure >> enter the required details >> Generate Report.
  2. Review the report for detailed Tire Pressure events recorded for the vehicles.

Multi Vehicle Breadcrumb Report:

  1. Navigate to Reports >> Multi Vehicle Breadcrumb >> select Vehicles and Date Range >> Generate Report.
  2. Review the breadcrumb trail to find any Tire Pressure events for the vehicle.

WWW Report:

  1. Navigate to Reports >> WWW >> enter the required details >> Generate Report.
  2. Review the breadcrumb trail to find any Tire Pressure events for the vehicle.

TPMS Events Alerts:

Setting up the Alerts in Fleet 2.0:

Upon enabling the TPMS package, alerts are automatically configured for the following events:

  • Low Tire Pressure
  • Critical Low Tire Pressure
  • High Tire Pressure
  • Critical High Tire Pressure
  • Slow Leak
  • Pressure restored to normal


  1. Go to Admin >> Alerts >> Add Alert.
  2. Select or type Alert Type as Tire Pressure.

  1. Select the Groups to which the alert is to be applied.
  2. Select how frequently you wish to monitor your vehicles - 24*7 (recommended) or Custom hours.

Note: The Alert Notification switch is ON by default. To mute this alert, toggle the switch to the OFF state.
  1. Select how frequently you want to receive the alert notification:
    1. As soon as each alert occurs (recommended) - You will receive the email as soon as the application detects any selected event alert condition.
    2. A summary of alerts once every 1 hour - You will receive a summary of the selected event alert conditions that were violated in the last hour.
  2. Toggle on Web Notification, Mobile Notification, if required.
  3. Under Send alerts to, select:
    1. All Group Admins - If you want to send the alert email to the administrator(s) of the selected group(s).
    2. Group Admin with Role - if you want to send the alert email to the administrator with specific roles.
    3. Paired Driver - If you want to send the alert email to the driver who is currently paired with the vehicle.
  4. Under Other Recipients, select the users/drivers to whom the alert is to be sent.
  5. Enter CC addresses if any.

  1. Click Add Alert.

Alerts for Drivers via Email and Push Notifications on AFM:

Email Notifications on Tire Pressure Events:

Push Notification on Mobile and Alert section in AFM:

Push Notification on Fleet 2.0:

Check out the Tire Pressure Dashboard for a complete overview of tire pressure management. Dive in to explore real-time data and insights to keep your fleet running smoothly!

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