How is Idling calculated?

Idling is calculated based on the number of times the vehicle idled during the trip. It can be tracked/monitored only when the vehicle’s engine is running, but not while the key is in the accessory mode.

  • Start of idling is defined as vehicle speed = 0 and engine RPM > 0
  • End of idling is defined as vehicle speed > 3 mph and engine RPM > 0

The datalogger reads the data whenever the vehicle idles and transmits the idling event to the server. Whenever the vehicle engine starts, the device will also power up and send a Trip start event to the server. With this, the device can get speed information every second. Based on the speed of the vehicle, it detects whether the vehicle is actually moving or not and can detect idle. The idling threshold is set at 10 mins by default. Hence, if the vehicle remains stationary for 10 mins, it will identify it as an idling event. Both ODB II and JBus devices are compatible for detecting the idling events. 

Idling thresholds, however, can be configured. Customers have the option to change it if they are not comfortable with 10 mins. They can bring it down to as low as 1 min and take up to a maximum of 4 hours. The admin can set the idling alert with the threshold they want and adjust it accordingly. For example, consider changing the default 10 mins to 20 mins. Now that the new threshold has been set, the Azuga server will capture the information and send commands to the device. The default will be overridden by 20 mins, and the idling event will therefore be detected at 20 mins, not 10 mins. 

Alternatively, the device will also accumulate all idle time that are under the threshold. However, these times will not be counted as idling events but will be included in the total trip idling time. Customers can score drivers either based on the idling event or the total idling time across the entire trip.

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