May Updates
- On the Maintenance dashboard, the tab ‘By Overdue’ has been renamed ‘By Status’ for better understandability of the feature on Fleet 2.0.
- The Live Update setting on Fleet 2.0 now shows the information on the current settings when the user hovers the cursor over it.
- The experience a user has in searching an address by location name on google maps will now be the same for a user on Fleet 2.0.
- Option to navigate to the destination added to the card view of the vehicle on Fleet 2.0.
- All tab names seen in maintenance (‘By Overdue’, ‘By Service Type’, ‘By Vehicle’, ‘By Group’, ‘Most recent’) has been changed to upper case to maintain the consistency in the letter case of tab names across the web application.
- Dynamic event selection - To have the capability to show videos of events based on what is selected in the videos listing in the Admin section.
- Various bug fixes and performance improvements.
Renamed the tab from ‘By Overdue’ to ‘By Status’ on the Maintenance dashboard
We have renamed the tab ‘By Overdue’ to ‘By Status’ on the Maintenance dashboard as it was confusing for customers. The change has been made to provide a clear and concise understanding of the feature.
Live Update setting on Fleet 2.0 now shows the information on the current settings
The Live Update setting on Fleet 2.0 now shows the information on the current settings when the user hovers the cursor over it. This will display how frequently the live page refreshes.
Option to navigate to the destination added to the card view of the vehicle on Fleet 2.0
We have recently added a new ability for a user on the live page on Fleet 2.0. From the vehicle card view, a user can now seek directions to an entered destination, with the ‘from’ address being auto-populated. This ‘from’ address will correspond to the address seen on the card.
- As one can do on Google maps, you can reverse the start and destination points with the help of the direction switch button.
- The default start address will be fetched only for events that have addresses associated with it.
Fleet 2.0 now allow users to search the address by Location name
We now support the capability to search the address using the location name of that particular address on Fleet 2.0.
For e.g. Consider the text - ‘Diners Paradise’ as the title and '142, South Avenue, Tennessee, USA' as the address of the location. Now, when we search using the title, the address will show as per the google maps.
This functionality is available for Geofence addition, Find nearest vehicle, Track me, and Directions.