How to request for a SafetyCam video via Azuga Fleet Mobile Application?


  • The Request Video setting has to be enabled for your account to avail of this service. To enable the setting, you can reach out to
  • Ensure that the SafetyCam is turned on.


1. Log in to your AFM app and select the SafetyCam tile.

2. Tap on the Videos tile.

3. Select Requested Videos tab on the top.

     Note: If you do not see this option, please reach out to the customer care team to activate the function.

4. Tap on the + Request New Videos button at the bottom of the screen.

5. Select Offline via Safetycam on Mobile, then Continue button at the bottom of the screen.

6. Tap on Connect your SafetyCam. 

7. Select the unique ID of your SafetyCam from the list of SafetyCam IDs detected by the AFM app.

8. Once the connection with the camera is established, select the date and time of the requested video as required.

Note: The maximum duration for a Requested Video is 3 minutes.

  • Click on Continue. On the next screen, the app would display details for confirmation.

9. Click the Request button at the bottom to download the requested videos.

10.  View the downloaded video under the Requested Videos tab.

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