Commonly Used Features

The purpose of this document is to introduce you to the most commonly used features in the Azuga platform so that you can immediately gain benefits from our application.

This document includes:

  • Editing Vehicles
  • Editing Drivers
  • Configuring Alerts
  • Tracking and Logging Maintenance
  • Encouraging Safe Driving through Driver Scores

Editing Vehicles

Within the ADMIN tab, you can select Vehicles to view a list of vehicles in your fleet. Out of the box, you will see a series of placeholder vehicles. Each vehicle name contains the serial number of the GPS Tracking device on its way to you. You’ll want to edit the vehicle Name to make it easier to identify your vehicle in reports and who drives it.

For a video explanation of the Vehicles section, please refer to the following link:

Vehicles Video

You can select Add Vehicle to create an additional vehicle in your account or select the pencil icon to edit an existing vehicle.

To edit a vehicle:

  1. Go to ADMIN.
  2. Select Vehicles.
  3. Select the pencil icon to the left of a vehicle.
  4. Edit the Name to easily identify your vehicle on reports and identify who is driving it.
  5. Assign the vehicle to a Group.
  6. Note the Device assigned to the vehicle.
    1. You’ll see a device preselected from the dropdown. Out of the box, the serial number here will also display as the name of the vehicle.
  7. Assign a Make, Model, and Year for your vehicle.
  8. Fill in optional fields as you see fit, like Initial Odometer Reading.
  9. Enter the Vehicle Type.
  10. Enter the Fuel Type.
  11. Select Submit.

Editing Drivers

Within the ADMIN tab, you can select Drivers to view a list of drivers. Name your drivers so that you can easily identify them in reports and identify which vehicle they are associated with. This will also help you identify the driver with their Safety Score in the Drivers and Rewards tabs.

For a video explanation of the Drivers section, please refer to the following link:

Drivers Video

You can select Add Driver to create an additional driver in your account or select the pencil icon to edit an existing driver.

To edit a driver:

  1. Go to ADMIN.
  2. Select Drivers.
  3. Select the pencil icon to the left of a driver.
  4. Upload a Profile Picture of the driver. This is optional.
  5. Edit the First Name and Last Name to easily identify your driver on reports and which vehicle they are associated with.
  6. Select the Time Zone of the driver.
  7. Select their Role in the system.
  8. Fill in optional fields as you see fit, like Driving License and Driving License date of issue.
  9. Select Submit.

Configuring Alerts

Within the ADMIN tab, you can select Alerts to view a list of event notifications configured in your account. By default, you will see six alerts on the dashboard - Device Plugged In/Unplugged, Hard Braking, Idling, Low Battery, Posted Speed Limit, and Speeding. These are not on by default; you must toggle them on to start sending them. You have the option to add other alerts to fit your business needs.

For a video explanation of the Alerts section, please refer to the following link:

Alerts Video

Adding an Alert

We highly recommend you enable these additional alerts to improve awareness and management of your fleet:

  • Check Engine
  • Low Fuel
  • Not Tracking - occurs when your devices are not connecting to satellite

To add an alert:

  1. Go to ADMIN.
  2. Select Alerts.
  3. Select Add Alert at the top of the Alerts dashboard.

  4. Choose an Alert Type from the dropdown.
  5. Edit the details such as thresholds and frequency of alert.
  6. Toggle on the alert.
  7. Select Add Alert.

Editing an Alert

To edit any of these alerts within ADMIN, select the pencil icon beside the alert and modify the fields as you see fit. Remember to save your changes.

You can edit any alert, even the out-of-the-box alerts, including:

  • Name
  • Groups - the vehicles you want to monitor
  • Set alert options - whether the alert sends to the Azuga webapp, mobile app, and/or your email
  • Send alerts to - who receives these email alerts like Group Admins, Paired Drivers, or other users within your account
  • CC - who receives these alerts outside of the Azuga system
  • Send emails - the frequency of the alert: immediate or as a summary after a specified amount of time

You have the option to choose how you wish to be notified: 

  • Web - alerts visible through the bell icon in the web app 
  • Mobile - alerts visible through the bell icon in the Azuga Fleet Mobile app
  • Email - alerts sent over email to the configured users.

Remember to toggle the alert ON to start being notified.

Out-of-the-box Alerts

We add these alerts to all accounts by default:

  1. Standard Device Plugged In/Unplugged Alert
  2. Standard Hard Braking Alert
  3. Standard Idling Alert
  4. Standard Low Battery Alert
  5. Standard Posted Speed Limit Alert
  6. Standard Speeding Alert

Each comes with a standard configuration that you can modify as you see fit. Remember to toggle the alert ON to start being notified.

Standard Device Plugged In/Unplugged Alert

The Standard Device Plugged In/Unplugged Alert notifies you when your GPS Tracking devices change states from plugged in to unplugged.

Standard Hard Braking Alert

A HB or Hard-braking incident is highly indicative of accidents and distracted driving. This alert helps you understand how safe your drivers are. You can decide whether you are notified of Hard-braking and/or Hard-core braking (HCB) incidents.

You have an option to set the Buzzer Intensity, if the buzzer is enabled for your account.

Standard Idling Alert

The Standard Idling Alert informs you when your vehicle has stopped moving and is on for a set amount of time. By default, we send this alert after a vehicle idles for 10 minutes. You can configure the threshold as you see fit.

You have an option to set the Buzzer Intensity, if the buzzer is enabled for your account.

Standard Low Battery Alert

The Standard Low Battery Alert is very important because of the implications it has on tracking. This informs you when your vehicle battery is low. To conserve power, we cut power to the OBD port which means your GPS Tracking devices would no longer work.

Due to its importance, you cannot configure the frequency of this report. If toggled on, you will receive an email the moment a vehicle has a low battery. 

We recommend you maintain the Group setting of Default so that you receive this alert for all of your vehicles.

Standard Posted Speed Limit Alert

The Standard Posted Speed Limit (PSL) Alert enables you to track when your vehicles exceed a certain speed threshold.

You can configure this report as you see fit:

  • Set the Trigger
    • Trigger the alert to send for any speed over the PSL
    • Trigger the alert to send for a certain overage of the PSL
  • Set the Duration
    • Instant
    • Show violations that exceed by a certain number of minutes

Standard Speeding Alert

The Standard Speeding Alert informs you when a vehicle has met or exceeded a certain speed. You can set a maximum threshold that no vehicle in your fleet should surpass. By default, this is set to 65 mph, but you can change the cap as you see fit.

You have an option to set the Buzzer Intensity, if the buzzer is enabled for your account.

Tracking and Logging Maintenance

The MAINTENANCE tab enables you to view the health of your vehicles. You can log and track all maintenance records and their costs to keep a better eye on your fleet.

The Maintenance Manage section provides a snapshot of upcoming and overdue services for your vehicles.

For a video explanation of the Maintenance section, please refer to the following link:

Maintenance Video

You can log each maintenance service in Service Entries. You can specify the vehicle, service date, category, cost, service type or add your own, and attach invoices if you have them.

The Reminders tab allows you to set one or more maintenance reminders for your fleet. You can specify the name of the alert, associated vehicle, and who receives the reminder. You can add one or more services needed for the vehicle and indicate the frequency of service by Miles, Time Interval, or Engine Run Time hours as well as the last service date. Set the frequency of the reminder before you save.

History is a report of all maintenance services completed and recorded for your fleet.

Encouraging Safe Driving through Driver Scores

Driver Scores help you understand the habits of your drivers and determine who could use coaching to build a safer fleet with fewer accidents. We assign a safety score for Braking, Speeding, (Optional: Acceleration Idling, Distracted Driving, Cornering and Seatbelt) and compile an overall Safety Score per driver.

You can use Azuga’s Rewards system to send gift cards to drivers for safe driving and to incentivize good behavior.

For a video explanation of the Rewards section, please refer to the following link:

Rewards Video

These scores encourage a healthy sense of competition among your drivers; any driver who logs into the Azuga Fleet Mobile app can see their Safety Score compared against others’. You must set up a login and password on behalf of your driver so that they can use the mobile app. You can do so from within Drivers in the Admin tab.

Gamified features like this and social sharing can improve your drivers’ attitudes towards fleet tracking.

Reporting on Driver Scores

For a video explanation of the Reports section, please refer to the following link:

Reports Video

To view a report on Driver Scores across your fleet:

  1. Go to REPORTS.
  2. Select Driver Score.

  3. Select a Date Range.
  4. Select the driver(s) you want to analyze.
  5. Select Generate Report.

Scoring a Driver

We calculate scores based on a number of criteria including the number of events the driver incurs for risky behavior, miles driven, weather, and traffic to ensure scores are as fair as possible for all drivers. The higher the driver score, the safer the driver.

By default, Braking accounts for 50%, Speeding 30%, and Sudden Acceleration for 20% of the Safety Score. We weigh Braking the highest because it has the most to do with accidents and distracted driving. We calculate Speeding scores based on the alert threshold you’ve set on your account.

A Hard-braking (HB) alert happens when a vehicle experiences a decrease in speed at 8-10 mph per second. A Sudden Acceleration (SA) alert happens with an increase in speed at 8-10 mph per second.

You can adjust the scoring calculation by adding parameters like Idling, Seat Belt Usage, Cornering, and Distracted Driving.

Categorizing a Driver

We place your drivers in a category based on their Safety Scores. The categories include Safe, Watchlist, and Risky. Review a driver’s category to determine who needs coaching.

Score Category of Driver
75 or above Safe
Between 65 and 74 (both inclusive) Watchlist
64 or below Risky

This is visible in the Driver Score Report, Rewards tab, and Azuga Fleet Mobile app.

Last Verified on Mar 2025

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