Fleet Insurance - SafetyIQ 10.0.0 Updates


  • The Fleet Dashboard now includes new metrics, such as the Azuga Driver Score and Fleet Trend category. It provides 12-month trend data, toggle functionality, and export capabilities, offering carriers a more streamlined and user-friendly approach to fleet performance reporting.  

    Note - INSCO CSMs can now use the Fleet Dashboard report, instead of relying on Pentaho custom reports, to send PDF files to carriers. 

  • The Accident Reconstruction page has been revamped with new filter options, streamlining the process of searching and sorting accident details to enhance usability.

Other Updates:

  • Draivn Integration – Set to go live on November 25th, 2024. 
  • The consent issues for the ShieldCo Fleet have been resolved, and the fleet has now been disabled from State Auto Accounts. 


The Fleet Dashboard now includes new metrics, such as the Azuga Driver Score and Fleet Trend category. It provides 12-month trend data, toggle functionality, and export capabilities, offering carriers a more streamlined and user-friendly approach to fleet performance reporting. INSCO CSMs can now use the Fleet Dashboard report, instead of relying on Pentaho custom reports, to send PDF files to carriers. 

The Fleet Dashboard now includes new data points critical for carriers:  

  1. Azuga Driver Score: A score that reflects the overall driving performance of the entire fleet. 
  2. Fleet Trend Analysis: Events/100 Miles categorized by key risk factors, such as speeding cap, acceleration, braking, and posted speed limit (PSL). 

With this update, users can view 12 months of trend data for both Milliman scores and the Events/100 Miles metric, allowing them to track performance changes over time. A toggle feature enables easy switching between Milliman scores and Events/100 Miles, offering a flexible view of fleet safety performance.  

Additionally, users can select specific factors—such as speeding cap, acceleration, braking, or PSL from the Fleet Trend drop-down menu to visualize corresponding trends. 

Export Capabilities: All trends are fully accessible in the exported Fleet Dashboard report, ensuring seamless reporting and analysis. 

Note: This will enable INSCO CSMs to use this report instead of relying on Pentaho custom reports to send PDF files to carriers. This streamlines the reporting process, making the reports more professional, insightful, and user-friendly. 

The Accident Reconstruction page has been revamped with new filter options, streamlining the process of searching and sorting accident details to enhance usability. 

The Accident Reconstruction page has been revamped to align with the design pattern used across other pages, enhancing usability. New filter options have been introduced to search accident details by: 

  1. Drivers 
  2. Vehicles 
  3. VINs 
  4. Video availability 

A new column for “Video availability” has also been added, allowing sorting based on whether video footage is available or unavailable for each accident. These updates simplify and expedite the process of finding necessary information. 

PDF Copy: Fleet Insurance SafetyIQ 10.0.0 Updates

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