Status: AI SafetyCam Report


The “Status: AI SafetyCam” report is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the current status of the AI safetycams. It offers details such as the camera status, the last connection information, vehicle details, and potentially other relevant information.

Important: This report specifically covers details about AI safetycams exclusively associated with the vehicles. If an AI camera isn’t linked to any vehicles it will not be featured in the report. Hence, it's crucial for users to make sure each AI camera is properly associated with its corresponding vehicle for it to be part of the report.

In summary, the “Status: AI SafetyCam” report serves as a valuable reference for aiding in the monitoring and resolution of issues concerning AI safetycams. It empowers users to understand the health of the AI safety cameras by gaining insights from the report.

Note: This Status: AI SafetyCam report is specifically designed for customers with AI cameras, and it pertains exclusively to Fleet 2.0.

Privilege Details:

There are two privileges associated with the Status: AI SafetyCam Report:

  1. Status: AI SafetyCam:
    • This privilege allows displaying the report. By default this privilege is enabled for the default roles. For other roles, customers need to enable it.
    • To enable this privilege in Fleet 2.0, navigate to Admin >> Roles >> Add/Edit Role >> Reports. Check the box for Status: AI SafetyCam.
  2. Admin: AI SafetyCam Status:
    • This privilege allows displaying admin options on the report. By default this privilege is enabled for the default roles. For other roles, customers need to enable it.
    • This privilege controls the ability to calibrate, format, and reboot cameras remotely, both individually and in bulk.
    • To enable this privilege in Fleet 2.0, navigate to Admin >> Roles >> Add/Edit Role >> Reports. Check the box for Admin: AI SafetyCam Status.

Report Overview:

Navigation: Reports >> Status: AI SafetyCam

Within this report, the breakdown below explains the importance of each column:

  • Vehicle: Lists the vehicles associated with the AI cameras.
  • Group: Outlines the associated group of the vehicle.
  • Camera: Specifies the IMEI No. of the AI cameras.
  • Last Connected: Shows the timestamp indicating when the camera was last connected, thoughtfully presented in the user's timezone for enhanced clarity.
  • Recording Availability Updated: It is based on the camera's last connection, to confirm the availability of recordings.
Note: The information is updated every 10 mins. During each update, a check is performed to verify the camera’s online status or the establishment of a successful connection. Subsequently, the latest information is then updated on the report.
  • Recording Availability: This column indicates whether the recording is available in SD card. There are three recording statuses that are displayed in this column according to the recording availability.
    • Available: Recordings are available on the SD card.
    • Not Available: No Recording is available on the SD card.
    • Not Tested: This status is assigned when a connection with the camera cannot be established, possibly due to reasons such as no network connection or ignition being off.
  • Calibration State: This column indicates whether the accelerometer calibration has been completed or not. This information is crucial for ensuring that the internal sensors in the AI SafetyCam are accurately detecting risky driving events.

  • Aux Camera: This column displays the number of Aux cameras paired with the main camera.

  • Alarm: The alarm serves as a key indicator of camera-related issues. When the “Recording Availability” status displays "Not Available" it signals a problem with the camera. The “Alarm” section further details potential reasons for the unavailability of recordings on the SD card.
  • Recommendation: It presents a suggested course of action and outlines steps to address and resolve issues related to cameras displayed under the "Alarm" section. 

Alarms & Recommendations:

Listed below are the different types of alarms that may appear in the “Status: AI SafetyCam Report” based on the camera issues and the recommended measures provided for the customers to resolve them:

Alarm Recommendation
The SD card isn't mounted or the SafetyCam isn't recording video Reboot the SafetyCam. If the issue persists, get in touch with the support
The SafetyCam isn't recording video Format the SD card or replace it. Kindly, get in touch with the support
Unable to start the SafetyCam sensor and record video Kindly get in touch with the support for replacing the camera
The SafetyCam is restarting multiple times Software upgrade might be required. Kindly, get in touch with the support
The SD card isn't working as expected Format the SD card or replace it. Kindly, get in touch with the support
The SafetyCam is restarting often Reboot the SafetyCam. If the issue persists, get in touch with the support
The driver facing lens is not recording If this is not expected, kindly get in touch with the support
The driver facing lens is not recording If this is not expected, kindly get in touch with the support
The SafetyCam isn't recording video Format the SD card or replace it. Kindly, get in touch with the support

Additional Insights on the Report:

  • Default Sort: The report automatically sorts “Vehicles” in ascending order by default.
  • Show entries: Entries could be selected from options like 10, 25, 50, 100, or 500 to determine the number of entries to be viewed in the status report.
  • Export Report: Both PDF and XLSX files can be exported from the status report. If an issue occurs during the retrieval of the report, an error message will appear on the screen.
Error Message: We apologize for the inconvenience, but we are currently encountering an issue while attempting to retrieve the report. Kindly attempt your request again at a later time. Thank you for your understanding.
  • Show/Hide Columns: By default, all fields are selected except for “Data Updated”.

    Enabling this option provides information about the last data refresh, which typically occurs every 10 minutes. The report displays the refreshed time based on the user's timezone.

  • Schedule Report: Work in progress.

PDF copy of the overview for the Status: AI SafetyCam Report:

[Customer] Overview | Status: AI SafetyCam Report.pdf

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